



发布日期:2024-06-29 06:22    点击次数:85


第一部分  入学注册PART 1  ENROLLMENT第一条  报到 1. Registration


 1. International students shall have an ordinary passport. Those who hold diplomatic, service or special passports shall take the note issued by their diplomatic representative organizations in China and go through the related formalities in the Chinese Public Security Bureau, and will not enjoy related privileges and benefits in the study period.

 2.外洋学生应捏《番邦留学东谈主员来华签证苦求表》和《中南财经政法大学入学申诉书》,在学校章程的时候内到校报到注册;第二学期凭学生证办理注册手续。如不成按时到校,请在开学前一周书面向学院说明情理。如若预先不说明且逾期不到校的外洋学生,将被视作自动退学,自动取消其学籍及公寓预定。    2. International students shall get to school and register with Visa Application for Study in China and Admission Notice of ZUEL within given time; they will register with student ID in the second term. Those who cannot get to school on time shall give a written explanation to the school one week before the beginning of term. International students who fail to explain in advance and do not get to school on time will be regarded as honorable dismissal, and his/her school roll and apartment booking will be cancelled.


 3. International students shall go through the following formalities within the fixed time upon arrival at the university:

 (1) 住宿登记:外洋学生入校后,请根据外洋西席学院提供的材料,自行赶赴派出所办理住宿登记,并将回执交到学院关系办公室。

 i. Having entered the university, international students shall go to the police station to register for accommodation according to the materials provided by the IES,and submit the receipt to the relevant office of the IES.

 (2) 体检:外洋学生需办理居留许可手续者,自入境之日起两周内赶赴湖北省卫生调查检疫中心进行体检,大略提供境外体检说明赐与考据;

 ii. Physical examination: international students who need to apply for residence permit shall go to Hubei Health Inspection and Quarantine Center for physical examination or provide the offshore Health Certificate within two weeks upon the day they come to China;

 (3) 缴费:私费学生需按照学校章程交纳膏火和住宿费;

 iii. Payment: self-financed students are required to pay tuition and accommodation fees in accordance with the provisions of the university ;

 (4) 其它:向外洋西席学院外洋学生足下老诚交纳2张1寸和2张2寸像片,中式申诉书、护照、签证的复印件以及5份JW201(202)表的复印件,并填写寝室信息登记表及学生信息登记表、境外东谈主员住宿登记表、居留许可苦求表、居留讲话纪录、学生登记表以及外洋学生证。

 iv. Others: hand in two 2-inch and two 1-inch bareheaded full-face photos, as well as the copy of Admission Notice, passport, visa and 5 copies of JW201(202) Form to the teacher in charge of international students in the IES; fill in the Dormitory Information Registration Form and Student Information Form, Residence Registration Form, Residence Permit Application Form, Records of Residence Conversation, Student Registration Form and International Student Card.


 4. The first week is the Freshmen Activity Week, the IES will focus on organizing physical examinations, residence permits, opening ceremonies, purchase of teaching materials and other activities, please note the notice. The opening ceremony will illustrate the rules and regulations of the school and the university as well as relevant laws of China. Teachers in charge of the international student affairs office of IES will introduce the regulations of the university and students’ living in China, and answer students’ questions so as to make their study and living go smoothly in Wuhan. Students will be organized to visit the campus,deal with the issues about bank card, telephone number and network opening after the ceremony.


 5. The IES will publish all kinds of notices and teaching schedule on the school's official wechat account and school website (http://ies.zuel.edu.cn).Below is the two-dimensional code of the school official account, please scan and follow the IES official account on wechat.

第二条  用度 2. Fees


 1. Registration fee: international students shall pay registration fee on the registration day.


 2. Tuition fee: international students shall pay complete tuition fee on the day of registration. If any delay of tuition payment is needed under special circumstances, they should submit a written application to the office of the IES and pay tuition fee within the time stipulated after getting the approval of the school, otherwise they shall not be registered.


 3. Teaching materials fee: international students need to buy all teaching materials by themselves.


 4. Accommodation fee: international students are required to pay accommodation fee on the registration day.

第三条 入住寝室3.Stay in the dormitory


 1. Upon registration, international students will be assigned to dormitory by the office according to their study level and scholarship type. There are two types of dormitories for international students: single rooms and double rooms. Except for PhD students who enjoy government scholarships, other students will be accommodated according to the standard of double rooms.


 2. International students are required to pay the electricity and hot water charges for their own rooms after checking in. The Shifu of the dormitory is responsible for the sanitation of the common areas, and the students clean the rooms themselves. The garbage generated in the students' rooms should be taken to the trash can on the first floor by themselves, and should not be thrown into the corridor.


 3. International students should take good care of the furniture in the dormitory. Students who intentionally damage the facilities in the room are required to pay the price. Please take good care of the toilet and sewer system in the dormitory. Do not put large pieces of garbage into the toilet or sewer to avoid blockage.

第四条  体检4. Physical examination


 International students shall have physical examination in their home countries in accordance with the content of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners before they come to China.


 International students will be organized collectively to apply for health certificate in the International Travel Health Care Center in Hubei Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau with Physical Examination Record for Foreigners; those who do not have Physical Examination Record for Foreigners or whose specific items of the physical examination do not meet the requirement are required to receive another comprehensive physical examination in the International Travel Health Care Center. Examination results are valid for 6 months and the expenses shall be covered by themselves.


 Those who fail to register on time shall go to Hubei International Travel Health Care Center for authentication and physical examination with passport, two photographs and native medical documents; those who are physically unfit shall leave China and return home immediately.

第五条  居留许可及签证5. Residence permit and visa


 1. Anyone who comes to our university to study for more than half a year should apply for X1 visa before coming to China. Anyone who studies for less than one semester (including one semester) should apply for X2 visa.


 2. All international students staying outside the university must go to the local police station within 24 hours to apply for the "Off-campus Temporary Residence Certificate".


 3. International students holding X1 visa must apply for a "Residence Permit for Foreigners" within 30 days from the date of entry. Students holding X2 visa can stay in China within the time limit indicated in the visa without a residence permit.


 4. Within the stipulated registration time, the international student visa supervisor of the International Education School organizes the freshmen to apply for residence permits.


 5. Students who arrive at the university after the prescribed registration time shall apply for residence permit at the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau by themselves with the following documents:

 (1) 学生赶赴外洋西席学院签证管束办公室使用签证苦求一体机苦求签证,生成《番邦东谈主签证证件苦求表》。

 (1) Students go to the Visa Administration Office of the International Education School to apply for a visa using the visa application integrated machine to generate an “Application Form for Foreigner Visa Document”.

 (2) 本东谈主有用护照(须为泛泛护照)及签证复印件;

 (2) The applicant's valid passport (must be an ordinary passport) and a photocopy of the visa;

 (3) 临时住宿登记表(在校外住宿的学生须出具由当地派出所盖印的《在汉外洋学生校外住宿登记表》);

 (3) Registration Form of Temporary Residence (Students who lodge outside the university must present “Registration Form for International Students Living off Campus in Wuhan” which is stamped by the local police station);

 (4) 加盖中南财经政法大学外洋西席学院公章的《公函》;

 (4) “Official Letter” with the official seal of the International Education School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;

 (5) 中南财经政法大学《中式申诉书》;

 (5) Admission Notice of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;


 (6) Original Visa Application for Study in China, Yellow Page (Form JW201 and JW202 for short);

 (7) 年满18周岁以上和首次苦求办理居留许可苦求手续的,须提供湖北进出境调查检疫局外洋旅行卫生保健中心出具的《健康说明书》;

 (7) If the applicant is over the age of 18 and applies for a residence permit for the first time, he/she shall provide a Health Certificate issued by the International Travel Health Care Center of Hubei Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;


 (8) Qualification Interview for Residence Permit;

 (9) 2张2寸免冠像片

 (9) Two 2-inch bareheaded photos.


 All forms must be filled in with pen or signature pen (black ink).


 6. International students must leave the country according to laws and regulations before the residence permit expires, and students who continue to study must go through relevant extension procedures before the expiration.


 7. If the content of the residence permit is changed, the holder must go through the change formalities at the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau within 10 days, otherwise, the public security organ will punish him/her in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


 8. For the transfer of residence permit, the holder must go through the transfer formalities at the exit and entry administration department of the public security bureau in the place where he moved out or into within 10 days.


 9. International students who leave the country within the validity period of their residence permits (including to Hong Kong and Macau) are not required to apply for a multiple-entry visa, but they must register with the International Student Visa Supervisor of the International Education School in advance.


 10. For international students holding X2 visa, the number of times they enter China shall be subject to the number of times they enter China specified on the visa. The International Education School shall not change the number of times they enter China.


 11. International students holding X2 visa must go through relevant formalities at the International Student Visa Supervisor Office of the International Education School before leaving the country (including to Hong Kong and Macao).


 12. When an international student transfers to another city for study, he/she must go through the relevant formalities at the International Student Visa Supervisor Office of the International Education School. The supervisor shall issue a “Transfer Certificate”. Upon arrival at the place of entry, the applicant shall apply for a new residence permit within 10 days (and within the validity period of the residence permit) at the exit and entry administration department of the public security bureau at the place of entry or at its branch offices;


 13. The time taken by the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to handle the formalities of extension, change, re-entry visa and transfer is generally 15 working days, which can be handled urgently in special circumstances.


 14. The visas and certificates of international students of all kinds shall not be altered, damaged or forged. Violators will be punished by the public security organs according to laws and regulations. Passports and residence permits should be properly kept, and any loss must be immediately reported to the International Student Visa Supervisor Office of the International Education School. International students shall report the loss at the local police station with the “Certificate” issued by the university, then replace the "Loss Certificate" with the "Certificate" issued by the local police station at the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau, and then go to the embassy (consulate) in China to apply for a new passport. Finally, with the new passport and the "Certificate" issued by the International Student Affairs Office, they shall go to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to apply for a new residence permit.


 15. International students should regularly check the validity of their visas or residence permits to avoid overstaying. International students whose visas or residence permits have expired will be educated by the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau. Generally, a fine of RMB 500 will be imposed for one day after the expiration of their visas or residence permits, and the maximum fine will be RMB 10,000.


 16. If the family members of international students need to come to China, they shall be invited by the international students themselves. The International Education School may issue a "Certificate of Studying" as appropriate according to the students' academic performance and daily performance. With the certificate, international students may apply to Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad for their families' S visa to accompany them in China.


 17. In principle, the International Education School does not apply for residence permits and visa extensions for students' families, but only assists in the registration of temporary accommodation. The number of days that a family member may stay in China shall be subject to the time limit for his/her S visa, and he/she shall leave the university and leave the country in accordance with the relevant regulations before the prescribed time limit, so as to avoid overstaying.


 18. After the family members of the international students come to the university, the international students shall submit a "Guarantee Letter" to the International Education School, promising to be responsible for the safety of the family members, abide by the laws and regulations of our country, obey the relevant administrative regulations of the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau and our university, and ensure that they leave the university and leave the country before the stay period stipulated in the visa.

第六条  证件、说明及苦求主义6. Credentials, certificates and methods of application


 1. Campus card


 Newly-enrolled international students will receive a campus card of ZUEL when they register. With this card, students can have meals in the school canteens, go shopping at the supermarkets on campus, borrow books from the library and have access to the teaching buildings and office buildings. The campus card and its password should be well kept. Students who have forgotten their password can go through formalities of password change at the School Funding Settlement Center.


 2. Student card

 (1) 外洋西席学院为外洋学生制作“中南财经政法大学外洋西席学院外洋学生证”。学习期限限度后,如需不息学习,可到外洋西席学院外洋学滋事务足下老诚办公室办理学生证展期手续,一张学生证可荟萃办理两次延长手续。跨越两次,需要换新的学生证。

 (i) the IES will makes an International Student Card of the IES of ZUEL for international students. Students who want to continue studies after the end of the duration of study can apply for an extension of the card at the office of the teacher in charge of international student affairs. A student card can apply for two consecutive extensions. After that, a new student card is required.


 Student card is the identity certificate of international students, so it should be carried about by students and should not be lent or altered.

 (2) 外洋学生到学院办公室办理选修课、缴费、报名等总共手续时,应捎带并向老诚出具外洋学生证。

 (ii) International students shall show their international student cards to the teacher when they are going through all the formalities such as course selection, payment and registration at the school office.

 (3) 如若遗失学生证,应实时到外洋西席学院办公室补办。补办时须交一寸像片一张,并支付关系用度。

 (iii) International students who have lost their student cards shall promptly go to the office of the IES reapplying for a new card. And they shall hand in a one-inch photo and pay related fees.


 3. Certificate of enrollment


  International students, on evidence of the student card, can apply for a Study Certificate of International Students of ZUEL in Chinese or English at office of the IES.


 4. Transcript


 International students shall be provided with an overall transcript by their department when they graduate.


 5. Certificate

 (1) 外洋学生毕业完成学业后由学校颁发文凭;

 (i) International students shall be awarded certificates when they complete their study after graduation.

 (2) 本科生、考虑生,学业期满收获及格者,颁发毕业文凭;

 (ii) Undergraduate and graduate students who have completed their study and passed all examinations shall be awarded a diploma

 (3) 汉语补习生和语言生、教育生,学业期满收获及格者,颁发结业文凭。

 (iii) A Course-Completion Certificate will be awarded to those remediation students of Chinese , language students, visiting scholars who have finished their study and passed all the examinations.

第二部分  校园糊口PART 2  CAMPUS SERVICE第一条  糊口设施 1. Living facilities


International students are free to eat in the student canteen and dining hall. Meals in the student canteen are paid with student card. The school has a special halal restaurant. International students who need it can go there by themselves. Each floor of the international dormitory has communal kitchens where students can also cook their own meals.


Shops and supermarkets are available on campus where students can purchase food and commodities. Other kinds of service facilities around campus are also comprehensive, for example, hospital, post office, bank, bookstore, photo studio, stadium, gym and theater, which are enough to meet the daily demands of international students.

第二条  银行服务 2. Bank service


 Currency exchange is available in Bank of China. There is a Bank of China on campus (located in the first floor lobby of Zhongyuan Building on Nanhu campus in ZUEL), where students can make deposits in home and foreign currency (including traveler’s check), currency exchange, etc. It’s better not to casually change money on streets so as not to suffer from unnecessary economic loss.


 The university's scholarship and tuition payment are all completed through the Bank of China. Therefore, the office recommends that you use a Bank of China card.The bank requires a residence permit to apply for a bank card. Please go to the bank to apply for a bank card after getting the residence permit. After the bank card is completed, please give the receipt to the teacher in the office, so that the teacher can register the bank card information.

第三条  邮政电信 3. Post and telecommunication


 There is a state-run post office on campus, as well as a number of private delivery companies that allow international students to choose delivery services according to their needs.


China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom and other communication companies provide mobile card services on campus. You need to apply for the mobile phone card on site. International students can apply for the mobile phone card by themselves.


 You should inform the administrative personnel in the IES your means of communication so that they can offer you help in emergencies. If you change the means of communication, please inform the administrative personnel promptly.

第四条  集聚服务 4. Network service


WIFI is available in every building of the university, as well as in the dormitory for international students. IES has already registered international students for the Internet service in advance. The account number is the student number, and the password is also the student number. If you use it, you need to recharge it. The basic fee is 20 yuan/month. Charging can be handled in office of Internet office (Meijiao Building 201).


 When using internet, students shall follow relevant provisions on net use of Chinese government and the university. Students are not allowed to log on to illegal sites, disseminate harmful information, and spread information unconfirmed or detrimental to others’ interests and dignity.

第五条  医疗服务 5. Medical service


 In accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, the international students who will study in the Chinese universities for half a year or more will have to purchase the Comprehensive Medical Insurance (Outpatient, Casualty, Hospitalization Insurance and Death Insurance) each semester or academic year when they are registering.  


 All international students are required to have medical insurance in ZUEL (at least including Outpatient, Casualty, Hospitalization Insurance and Death Insurance). International students who have bought medical insurance before coming to China shall pay attention to the coverage and usage of insurances. The university recommends that students purchase the Lianhua international medical insurance for international students. The certificate of insurance purchase will be used as a necessary material for student registration and visa application.


 As to specific medical treatments, medical procedure and the coverage of medical insurances, please refer to relevant documents.


 1. International freshmen who enter China with X visas shall go to Hubei Health Inspection and Quarantine Center for verification of physical examination upon arrival. Those who fail to pass the verification are required to go through another physical examination. Those who are not suitable for study because of certain disease shall return their countries immediately.


 2. ALL the international students who enjoy the comprehensive insurance for international students of Lianhua international, could go to public hospital to have the outpatient treatment. In that case, the student shall pay for the medical expenses by themselves first, and then, claim for part of the compensation for the medical costs from insurance company with the original receipts, medical case book, relevant certificate materials etc. If student needs to be hospitalized who have to contact with insurance company first, the insurance company shall bear a certain amount of fees for treatment, medicine and bed in accordance with related regulations. For detailed rules, please take the relevant regulation of insurance company as the standard,please call Lianhua international before treatment:4008105119 to 1.





 3. If the student needs to be hospitalized for any reason, (including accidents or serious diseases), please contact the teacher of the IES office and insurance company. We will help the student apply for advance payment by health insurance benefits (once completed, the student will not need to pay any fees. If the student pays a deposit while checking in at the hospital, the deposit will be refunded after checking out).

 After it has been established that the student needs to stay in the hospital, he or she should provide the following information to Office 204:

 Hospital name; Hospital admission number; Bed number; Department number; Senior doctor's name; Doctor's phone number.  

 The following hospitals can accept advance payments by health insurance: Hospitals that can accept insurance advance: Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan Third People's Hospital , which are the closest hospitals to the university; Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology; and Union Hospital (Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology).

 If students seek medical treatment in other public hospitals, please contact the insurance company first to confirm that the insurance company can advance the payment before going to the hospital.In case of hospitalization in a hospital not covered by the insurance company, all expenses can only be temporarily paid by the student, and only after discharge can the insurance cover.


 4. International students should pay the expenses on such items as dentures, glasses, abortion, nutriment, tonics and some medicines that cannot be applied for reimbursement according to relevant regulations.


 5. Anyone who violates laws and regulations leading to accidental injuries shall be responsible for all the subsequent expenses.

第六条  安全服务 6. Security service


 Security Personnel is arranged to be on duty for 24 hours in international student apartment so as to provide the students with all-day-round security service.


 Inline with the Chinese laws and the requirements from the Municipal Public Security Bureau, please carry passports and identification documents with you when you are away from campus or your lodgings in case of the police’s check at any time. Please cooperate with the police initially and show your passports and identification documents to them if you are questioned. Do not stymie the police to perform their duties on purpose, otherwise, you will receive penalty from the police.


 We would like to remind you to pay special attention to your personal safety and property security everywhere all the time. Please take good care of your important items such as passport, credit card, cash, mobile phone, laptop, etc. especially in crowded areas such as shops and buses. Since ZUEL is located at traffic arteries with busy traffic, please obey traffic rules and pay attention to traffic safety when you are going out.


 Once anything unexpected happens, please call the police promptly and inform the IES, and we will offer you help in time.

Alarm Calls are as follows:


 Public Security Emergency: 110  


 Fire Alarm: 119


 Traffic Accident: 122


 First-Aid Station: 120


 Campus Emergency Call in ZNUEL: 008627-88386110


 International Student Affairs Office of the IES: 008627-88386601

第八条  交通 8. Transportation


 1. Wuchang railway station: Take Bus No.538 at Chashanliu (North gate) the Wuchang railway station.

 2.汉口火车站 :在茶山刘站(北门)乘坐538路全球汽车或在东山头站(东门)乘坐583、572路全球汽车到光谷广场,再乘坐地铁2号线到汉口火车站。

 2. Hankou railway station: Take Bus No.538 at Chashanliu (North gate) or take Bus No.583、572 at Dongshantou (East gate) to Optical Valley Station , and then take Metro No.2 to Hankou railway station.


 3. Wuhan railway station: Take Bus No.538 at Chashanliu (North gate) or take Bus No.583、572 at Dongshantou (East gate) to Optical Valley Station , and then take Metro No.2 to Hongshan Square station and transfer Metro No.4 to Wuhan railway station.


 4. Fujiapo coach station: Take Bus No.538 at Chashanliu (North gate) the Fujiapo coach station.


 5. Wuhan Tianhe airport: Take Bus No.538 at Chashanliu (North gate) or take Bus No.583、572 at Dongshantou (East gate) to Optical Valley Station , and then take Metro No.2 to Wuhan Tianhe airport.

m.medaad.xyz第九条  课余糊口和假期活动 9. Extracurricular activities and vacation tours


 In the university, there are sports venues and equipment for football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, track and field and the like. International students can use these facilities according to relevant rules. International students can also join in associations, sports teams and participate in other recreational activities organized by the student union of the university, and they are welcomed to participate in celebrating activities held by the university on important festivals.


Sports meeting will be held periodically. The IES will organize a team to take part in the competition so as to help them make their body strong and make their extracurricular life rich and active.


 The university will designedly organize cultural study tours for international students every year so as to make international students know more about China and this city. Please do not ask for leave for a travel during study period. The university will subsidize scholarship students for annual field trips; Self-funded students will have to bear all expenses by themselves in principle.

第十条  在中国粹习、糊口中的其他瞩目事项 10. Other notices about study and living in China


 1. International students’ activities should be for the purpose of learning and friendship without intervening in China's internal affairs or illegally obtaining employment. Any activity shall not impede the normal social order in China, infringe rights of other people, or endanger China's national security and interests.


 2. Every international student has the right of religious freedom. The university respects the national customs and religious beliefs of international students, but does not provide places of religious rituals. It is forbidden to preach or hold religious gatherings on campus. And no one is allowed to force others to profess a religion or change religious beliefs.


 3. Motorcycle is forbidden, International students who drive electric motorcycle must hold a valid driving license and go through driving formalities in accordance with Chinese laws. International students’ electric motorcycles or bicycles should be placed at designated locations; the security office of the university will take over those electric motorcycles or bicycles which are placed at wrong places, especially when they obstruct the firefightingaccess.


 4. International students are prohibited to distribute, post or exhibit promotional materials on campus, as well as show films or videos without permission.


 5. Students who need to hold activities out of acceptable reasons such as significant festivals shall get the permission of the university, which will designate a special person to take charge of the activities. Students shall not hold activities without the permission of the university. International students should obey the following rules when they are holding activities:

 (1) 在学校指定场所进行。

 i. Hold at the sites designated by the university.

 (2) 最晚不跨越23:00。

 ii. End before 23:00.

 (3) 只限来华外洋学生和本校东谈主员参加。未经允许不成邀请校外东谈主员参加。

 iii. Only international students and other students of the university are allowed to participate in the activities. It is forbidden to invite outsiders without permission.


 6. You’d better ask the driver for invoice so as to find forgotten items if necessary when taking a taxi; please ask the salesperson for invoice so as to exchange or return goods if there is any quality problem after buying valuable goods in stores.


 7. International students can go traveling in the areas open to foreigners according to the regulations of Chinese government with valid visas or residence permit. Without permission, they should not enter the areas closed to foreigners. Anyone who breaks the rule will be subjected to penalty in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Management of the Aliens.


 8. The university will be closed during winter vacation and summer vacation; therefore, students who need to apply for re-entry visas, extension of residence permit and other procedure, please handle them at the International Student Affairs Office of the IES before holidays.


 9. In case of sickness, injuries or hospitalization that involve the reimbursement of medical fees during study years in China, please contact immediately the International Student Affairs Office of the IES(027-88386601)and Insurance Company(400-8105119).

第三章  与外洋学生关系部门地址及筹商面容 CHAPTER 3  ADDRESSES AND CONTACTS OF RELATED DEPARTMENTS第一条  校外 1. Off campus


Hubei International Traveling Medical Care Center  (for physical examination)

地址:武汉市洪山区高新大路 430 号。

时候:周一至周五:上昼 8:00-11:30


 Address: 430 Gaoxin Avenue, Hong Shan District, Wuhan.

Time: Monday to Friday: 8:00-11:30

 TEL: 008627—87384283、008627—87384289  


 2. Exit-Entry Administration Division of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau (apply for residence permit for the first time)



 Address: “Wuhan Citizen Home”, No.117, Jinqiao Avenue,Jiang’an Zone, Wuhan, Hubei.;

 TEL: 008627—85395393



 3. Donghu New &High-tech Industrial Development Zone Branch of Exit-Entry Administration Division of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau (apply for residence permit again)

电话: 008627—50777176


 Address: Management Center of Guanggu (Wuhan Gaoxin Avnue No.777)

 TEL: 008627—50777176


 4. Branch of Donghu New&High-tech Industrial Development Zone of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau (for residence registration)



 Address: Management Center of Guanggu (Wuhan Gaoxin Avnue No.777)

 TEL: 008627—50777176

第二条  校内 2. On campus


 1. Student Affairs Office (enrollment management of undergraduate)


 Address: Wentan Building, Nanhu campus, ZUEL


 2. Educational Department (teaching management of undergraduate)


 Address: Wenlan Building, Nanhu campus, ZUEL


 3. Graduate Administrative Department (teaching management of graduate)


 Address: Nanhu campus of ZUEL


 4. Modern Education Technology Center (network)

地址:中南财经政法大学(南湖校区) 电教中心

 Address: Audio-visual Center, Nanhu campus, ZUEL


 Telephone numbers for network repairing: 008627-88386112

 5.宿教中心(administrative center for dormitory and teaching building)


TEL:  008627-88386835

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